Namaste Village
An Interfaith Contemplative community
Are you ready to
take the leap?
Namaste Village in Ajijic, Mexico is an interfaith contemplative community founded by NY Times bestselling author James Twyman. We focus on a wide variety of contemplative teachings and teachers like Paramahansa Yogananda, Thomas Merton, Rumi and St. Francis of Assisi.
If you’re looking for a safe and supportive environment to live in or spend the rest of your life, or if you're interested in just visiting, this may be the perfect fit. The Lake Chapala region has the second best weather on the planet according to National Geographic, was voted the number one place in the world to retire on a budget by CBS News, and is the biggest ex-pat community for Americans and Canadians in the world.
Please watch the video below to see if you’re called to join us.
For more information on visiting or living at Namaste Village send an email to Manager.Namaste.Village@gmail.com. We would love to hear from you.

Take A Walking Tour of Namaste Village

How much does it cost?
There are many reasons Ajijic, Mexico is the most popular ex-pat location in the world! But you won't truly understand until you come for a visit.
Living at Namaste Village might be the perfect next step for your life! Imagine living in a supportive, spiritual community surrounded by loving men and women like yourself. Then imagine paying around 1/3 of what you're paying now! You can have your own studio apartment with full kitchen, meals five days a week, a driver to take you where you need to go, weekly maid service, and all utilities for less than $800 per month, or a one bedroom casita for less than $900 per month. What would you do with the savings? Whatever you want to!
We come together for inspiring morning sessions six days a week, and you can join us on Zoom or YouTube. Search for the recordings on YouTube or get the Zoom links by registering for for James Twyman's email list. Just visit his site at www.JamesFTwyman.com and click on the link near the top of the page. After that you can simply send us an email at Manager.Namaste.Village@gmail.com and let us know when you want to come for a visit.

You're invited to join us
The first thing you should know is that we are uncompromising - with love and with taking full responsibility for everything we think and feel. Our only goal is to enter into a direct experience of our True Identity and to Realize we are ONE with God and with all creation. The only requirement at Namaste Village is joining during our morning session. There are many other activities from yoga, A Course In Miracles, A Course of Love, etc. but our morning sessions are the heart of our community life. In the end we are here "to be TRULY helpful" to each other and to the world we live in.
How are we a contemplative community?
There is no single path we follow at Namaste Village other than the desire to enter into direct communion with the Divine. Many of our residents follow a Advaita path, others are students of A Course In Miracles, and many follow the path of the Christian mystics. Regardless of the form, our commitment to Oneness transcends all forms and includes them all.
Contact us TODAY by sending an email to: Manager.Namaste.Village@gmail.com. Please make sure you include your phone number and any questions you have. We look forward to seeing you soon.