In 1929 the Indian guru Paramahansa Yogananda visited Lake Chapala and said that one day it would be the site of a great spiritual awakening. We believe that Yogananda’s prophesy is being realized today in communities like Namaste Lake Chapala. The region is already one of the biggest ex-pat communities for Americans and Canadians. It may have something to do with the fact National Geographic listing it as having the second best weather in the world, and CBS ranked the area as the number one place in the world to retire on a budget. The towns around lake-side are safe and filled with activities, and it’s not a problem if you don’t speak Spanish. All in all it’s the right choice for spending your retirement years at Namaste Lake Chapala. Here are a few reasons:
1. Near Perfect Weather: The weather in the Lake Chapala region is usually sunny and in the low to mid eighties. That’s why ex-pats have been moving here from North America for decades.
2. Cost of Living: If you’re worried about having enough money to retire in North America, you probably won’t be concerned about that here. The cost of living in this area of Mexico is around one third of what you would pay in the US or Canada. Not only that, but the town is filled with great restaurants where you can usually get a full mean with wine for ten to twelve dollars, and there are plenty of fun activities for people of all ages.
3. Safe Environment: Safety is often a concern in Mexico. Though there are definitely areas in the country that are dangerous for ex-pats, this is not one of them. The Lake Chapala region is considered very safe and the most Mexicans here are welcoming and grateful.
4. Low Cost of Medical: If you apply for your permanent residency (which we suggest) then you’ll receive free Mexican health care, and when that’s combined with an inexpensive worldwide medical place, you’re set no matter what your needs are.
5. Second Biggest Airport in Mexico: Ajijic is only a forty-five minute drive from Mexico’s second biggest airport - Guadalajara. There are direct flights to most US and Canadian cities everyday and it usually only takes a few hours to reach your destination.
6. The Lake: There’s something about Lake Chapala that has baffled scientists for decades. People are amazed by the calming effect of living in the area. Some say that healing minerals are prevalent, but all we know is that living lake-side is like being on vacation year round.
7. Community Support: No one wants to live in an area where they're isolated and alone. Here at Namaste Village you’ll find a supportive group of people who are here for the same reason you’re here - to deepen the awakening of your soul and to share that with others. This is not a place for people to live and isolate themselves, but to share their own unique gifts and be enriched through a vibrant, dedicated community. We gather daily at 9:30AM for meditation and sharing, and there are many other activities during the week that you’ll be invited to attend.